Monday, July 11, 2011

"How to Paint" w/Deborah: Horses

Sharing my journey of “How to paint” “Contemporary Art” with “pictures of horses” in this virtual “Art Gallery”. I do “art with animals”, love sharing their story!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

See your Wings!

I always pull inspiration for things in life by other's people's moving stories; sometimes I have to pull from another to see my own purpose. Maybe you're the same way; here is a video so you continue to see your wings, or maybe spread them for the first time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Deborah Peters Painting: Episode 1

Join me for Episode 1 while I share lessons I've learned through the art world in oil painting. Don't forget to leave your feedback, what you liked or even didn't ;) And, the best part, question of the day: What was the last great film you saw?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coming thru Abstract!

What do you think? Would love your feedback! This is so different from my usual......!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Exploration Series

Greetings Art Friends and Lovers,

It has been a while for sure, but all is well here. As you know last September we had a scare with Mom's emergency cancer surgery....she is now wrapping up her last 2 weeks of treatments and all is going great. God be Praised; his comfort along with family and friends has helped her through it. I'm not at the Annual Art Show in town, the Celebration of Fine Art, took this year off to be available for Mom and "explore" my art direction.

And as for my art direction......
 I've had a whole new exploration of wonder come visit me. It involves an addition of new subjects like birds, feathers and color palettes and unique textures.....I'm growing in new ways I'd not have been able to before. This goes back to design, and some contemporary flair. I've created a fun new little video for you:

And here is the new journey on my website:
I'm very excited to see the emerging of what I'm learning here come together with wildlife later. I've also updated the site and added my blog in the links section, (if you really wish to read more!) I hope 2011 is treating you well! Drop me a line, would love to hear from ya. God Bless,

Monday, February 28, 2011

What is ART?

Welcome dear art lovers & friends,

This particular question has raised more questions than answers, it just keeps unfolding and unfolding, it's a never-ending vortex that can devour a poor soul. In my professional experience, unfortunately, I've not found a unity among artists with the answer to this question. Only confusion and more questions.

What I have learned from the experience, is that it comes down to your "why" for doing it. Right here is where artists disagree. One person's "why" may not be sufficient for another. Does that make it so? No.

Some believe if you make money selling your art, you're not a true artist. Where does it say in the hand guide we're to be penniless paupers? In the same breath, one can exclaim credibility for an artist whose work sells for thousands. Some believe in absolutely no reproductions, others have becomes a household name because of this technology. Others believe in solely creating what they choose, any other guidance in the process - is not art. Which one is right? Is there such a truth? The ONLY TRUTH I have discovered with art, is that there are no absolutes. Why? Because success in this arena is different for everyone, based on unique, individual situations. No one can write your chapter but you.

If you're still confused, try these on for size!

Vincent Van Gogh only sold 1 painting in his lifetime, The Red Vineyard, to his brother:
The Red Vineyard

Michelangelo's majority of commissioned works came from the Popes' during his lifetime, and surrounded biblical themes in subject:
Michelangelo's Works

Leonardo Da Vinci was also mainly commissioned by Church's, biblical themes, while trying to become a "court artist":
Leonardo Bio

Salvador Dali was an extremely wealthy artist in his lifetime: not just "after death"
Salvador Dali Bio

"The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents." - Salvador Dali