Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2010 Projects!

My apologies that it's been nearly a month since I've written!

Since the Annual 10 week Celebration show, it has taken me this long to finally emerge into the life and schedule I now have before me. To keep work in front of clients and admirers, I dove right back into work with a new horse series and began a newsletter. Of course that couldn't begin until there was something to show! There's so much to stay on top of now: Newsletter, Website, Emails, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn, and Twitter and the Blog. The latter 3 got neglected here for a bit. And of course there's the ever present time invested researching and pursuing more gallery representation. The horse series are new works for the Aspen Gallery. The economy has hit everyone hard so I'm pulling out all the stops. I'm bringing them not only work for the horse clientele they have but the new works are appealing to those that aren't necessarily "horse people".

Most important, it gives me the opportunity to experiment and grow, take the work into another chapter. The beauty of it so far, is as different as the new work is - horse people love it as well. A friend at the show shared with me, "Those buying art right now represent a very small margin of the market - and they're buying only things unique - things not been seen before..." And not that my prior work didn't have its own look - but I believe it fell right in the middle somewhere. Not different enough on either side (traditional or contemporary) for this market. I'm learning and growing, that is always ideal!

Enjoy the new series featured: if time permits, I may do a 4th Study. This is the Andalusian Fire Series, this breed of horse was the finest war horse in the world. Study 1 is Spirit, Study 2 is War, Study 3 is Peace. Enjoy!