Some strange things within the art circles started happening earlier this year due to the economy; it's only getting worse.
First, artists that have been known to do "very well" that I exhibit with at an annual, juried art show made 1/2 of their normal sales - and those were the lucky ones, with many years of experience doing the show. Artists that continued on the art show circuit afterwards, had hit/miss sales. I couldn't justify this path; it's expensive and in this economy, I didn't see favorable odds for myself. To further this complication, many artists that have not had to depend upon these shows for sales, are now popping up left & right, we all know what happens in the law of supply and demand......too much supply.......slows down demand.
I got my own firsthand experience; a show I locally applied for had 2 jury processes; I exhibit with some of the artists in this show. It's not a new show, just new for me and my first time applying. I passed the first jury process; not the 2nd. The letter I received stated how they had over 100 extra applicants apply and over 1,500 pieces of art to jury in. Thankfully this only cost me $25 to enter my submissions.
It's a good year to polish up those painting skills and work on inventory. I am preparing for the annual juried show a few months away, same one I spoke about above. It's local, good exposure, and the most economical show for me to do, averaging the cost and the number of days exhibiting - it's over 70 days long.